The first multiple body sensor solution made affordable for every baseball pitcher that is serious about taking their game to the next level.

PITCHPERFECT measures upper- and lower body rotation velocity and separation time. It automatically tracks your pitch count and 3D mechanics during all of your sessions.
Get an edge on your competition. PITCHPERFECT enables you to take control of your workload.
Data collected from your training gives an unprecedented insight in your pitching session. Manage your workload and compare your previous sessions or with others. Work your way to meet worldwilde pitching standards to improve your mechanics on a daily basis.
PITCHPERFECTs’ online platform provides dashboards that help you understand your workload, consistency and efficiency. Build a foundation with these specialised insights to master the perfect pitching mechanics and reduce injury risk.

Working on your technique
“I use PITCHPERFECT to become more consistent with my timing. Knowing the speed and timing of my body provides me with priceless information”

Keep track of your pitchcount
“My pitching session results are now instant and always available on my mobile device. The clear overview of my session helps me with planning the optimal workload.”